Possible Treatments Needed In Addition To Gum Pocket Cleaning

If you have unhealthy gums and want to enhance the health of the tissues as much as possible, then it is wise to speak with a dentist about the possible treatments that are available. One of the more common treatments is called a gum pocket cleaning or reduction procedure. This can help to encourage healing as well as tightening, but you probably are going to need to get some additional treatments along with the cleaning.

Ways To Keep Your Teeth And Gums In Good Condition

Your adult teeth are the final teeth that your mouth will produce. Once these teeth are lost, they are gone forever. Thus, the proper maintenance of your dental health is important. Many people unknowingly engage in teeth-damaging habits on a regular basis. Here are a few measures you can take to keep your teeth and gums in good condition. Stop Drinking Acidic Drinks Consuming carbonated beverages and citrus drinks can lead to tooth decay and gum disease.

Serious Oral Health Problems That Should Concern You

Tooth decay is a problem, and many people fail to understand how serious it is to their health. It might seem as though the decay is nothing serious besides causing tooth sensitivity and pain, but it can actually affect the entire body after progressing into a more serious condition. For example, when a lump develops on the gums or beneath a tooth, it is a sign that your oral health is in a serious condition that should be examined and treated as soon as possible.

Collagen Vascular Disease And Oral Health

Destruction of the connective tissue is a common manifestation of collagen vascular disease and connective tissue disorders. These health conditions can cause dermatological problems, mobility deficits, severe pain, and decreased range-of-motion. Collagen vascular diseases can also cause problems with your teeth and gums. Here are some ways collagen vascular disorders, which are autoimmune diseases, affect your oral health. Mouth Ulcers Certain collagen vascular diseases, such as lupus, can cause painful mouth ulcers.

Medicaid Dental Services: FAQs For Curious Patients

It is no secret that dental care is an important part of taking care of your overall health. Therefore, having medical insurance that also covers dental care is preferable. Medicaid is a state-funded government insurance program, and many states do include dental care services in this insurance program. If you have just started Medicaid coverage, you likely have some questions. The more you know about your insurance, the more equipped you will be to take advantage of the coverage options you have to help you take care of your smile.

Can Gum Surgery Prevent Tooth Loss?

If you’ve had gum disease, you probably know what a problem it can pose for the entirety of your oral health. Unfortunately, even once your gum disease is controlled and defeated, your teeth can still be at risk. Thankfully, a simple surgical procedure can help to protect you. Here’s what you need to know about gum disease’s lasting impact on teeth and how to keep anything bad from happening to yours.

What To Do About A Toothache

Your teeth are a small part of your body, but a toothache can cause a disproportionate amount of pain. A sore tooth can distract you from the rest of your life. Here are a few helpful tips that will help you deal with your next toothache. 1. Use a topical ointment. Topical analgesics are great for eliminating pain at the source. You can find many ointments formulated to relieve oral pain at your local drugstore.

Here's Why Trying To Manage Your Dental Pain At Home Is A Bad Idea

If you have a toothache, sore gums, or another dental pain that’s bothering you, your first impulse might be to reach for your pain relievers. Whether a topical treatment or an oral medication, these drugs can help to mask the pain you’re experiencing, making it easier to get through your day the way you normally would. Unfortunately, using them and trying to put off seeing a dentist is a terrible idea.

3 Things to Know About Dental Fillings

If you find out that you have a cavity, you may think, “How on earth did this happen to me?” As the most common dental condition out there, a cavity isn’t something to be scared of. In fact, it’s something that your dentist can help you with right away. But what can you expect from your dental filling, and what exactly is it? To help you become more familiar with dental fillings, this article will take a closer look at the basics.

Adult Braces: Worth The Price!

If you are facing the decision of whether or not to get adult braces, you are probably feeling a lot of things. Many times adults with crooked teeth feel embarrassed both for their teeth and for what people would say if they got braces. You may be wondering if you have the time to go to monthly orthodontic appointments, or how you will pay for your braces. While it is understandable for you to feel a bit of fear, here are a few reasons why you should just take the plunge and get braces, no matter your age:

Make These Changes If You Notice Oral Bleeding From Blood-Thinning Medication

People are prescribed blood thinners for a variety of medical conditions, and while these medications can definitely have a positive impact on your health, they may also lead to complications in certain areas. If you sometimes bleed from the mouth — for example, after you’ve flossed your teeth — you may notice a lot more blood flowing because of how thin the blood is. While you’ll definitely want to speak to your family dentist about this problem, there are a number of simple changes that you can make to prevent excess oral bleeding while still taking care of your teeth.

Complications Associated With Drinking Alcohol After Dental Implantation

If you like to have a few drinks after dinner and plan on having a dental implant secured, then you should know that it is wise not to drink after implantation. Your dental professional will inform you about how long you should abstain from alcohol. And there are several reasons why this is best. Keep reading to understand a few of the complications that alcohol can cause. Avascular Necrosis Your body goes through an extensive healing process after an implant is placed in your jaw.