Ways To Keep Your Teeth And Gums In Good Condition

Your adult teeth are the final teeth that your mouth will produce. Once these teeth are lost, they are gone forever. Thus, the proper maintenance of your dental health is important.

Many people unknowingly engage in teeth-damaging habits on a regular basis. Here are a few measures you can take to keep your teeth and gums in good condition.

Stop Drinking Acidic Drinks

Consuming carbonated beverages and citrus drinks can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Many carbonated beverages include phosphoric acid, which can demineralize the teeth and inflame the gums. Additionally, they may contain sugar, which feeds the oral bacteria that produce even more decay-causing acids. 

Like carbonated beverages, citrus drinks contain acid. The acid in citrus fruits and drinks is citric acid, which can also dissolve the minerals that make up the tooth enamel.

Many people become accustomed to consuming a flavored acidic drink with meals or any time that they feel thirsty. Still, the best thirst quencher is water. This clear healthy drink can help dilute oral acids and hydrate the mouth to help you avoid dental health issues.

Abandon the Toothpicks

In the past, toothpicks were often the tools of choice to clean debris from the interdental spaces. However, the small slivers of wood could easily injure the gum tissues.

Rather than toothpicks, clean the spaces between your teeth with string floss or an oral irrigator. The string floss contains no hard edges that could jab the gums.

If you find string floss too difficult to use due to limitations in your dexterity, try an oral irrigator. The appliance uses a stream of water to dislodge debris. Many models allow the user to control the intensity and pulsation of the water stream.

Stop Grinding

Dental grinding can occur during the day as a person feels stressed or at night as the person sleeps. To avoid the damaging results of grinding your teeth, which could include cracks or chips in the tooth material, find an alternative habit for the daytime, such as chewing gum. Additionally, at night, wear a nightguard to absorb the damaging pressure of the grinding. 

Also, since dental grinding is associated with stress and anxiety, try stress-relieving techniques, such as deep breathing exercises and yoga. The less stress that you experience, the more your dental grinding may subside.

To learn more ways to protect your teeth and gums, schedule a consultation with a local dental clinic like Mundo Dentistry.
