Serious Oral Health Problems That Should Concern You

Tooth decay is a problem, and many people fail to understand how serious it is to their health. It might seem as though the decay is nothing serious besides causing tooth sensitivity and pain, but it can actually affect the entire body after progressing into a more serious condition. For example, when a lump develops on the gums or beneath a tooth, it is a sign that your oral health is in a serious condition that should be examined and treated as soon as possible. Bleeding gums and bad breath that doesn't get better after brushing can also be signs that your oral health has reached a serious level of damage. In this article, you will learn more about having serious oral health problems that may require you to see a dental health professional as soon as possible.

Extreme Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is actually one of the dental problems that is the most common, and it isn't always considered a serious problem. For instance, the tiniest cavity doesn't cause much of a concern and is a form of minor tooth decay. However, if you have teeth that have decayed to the extent of hardly having any enamel remaining, it is a serious problem. The reason for this is that serious decay leads to the interior of your tooth — the pulp chamber and nerves within it — being exposed. Serious decay can be treated via fillings, extraction, or other techniques based on the seriousness of the problem.

The Appearance of a Painful Lump

When red and raised lumps appear on your gums, they can also be very painful and difficult to cope with. If you have any lumps, they are likely dental abscesses that should be taken seriously and receive prompt treatment. You must get rid of an abscess because the toxic pus that is contained inside that can get into your blood. You don't want your blood contaminated with toxins from the pus because it can cause problems all over your body.

Brushing with More Blood Than Usual

Occasional bleeding while brushing can occur when you haven't taken proper care of your teeth for a brief time, and should stop once you are again brushing enough. However, if your gums are bleeding quite a bit while you brush them, and it happens on a regular basis, something serious might be wrong. The blood points to periodontitis being present, which is the most serious form of gum disease. Periodontitis is commonly treated via strong antibiotics.

Contact a dentist near you today to learn more about what signs to watch out for when you're trying to keep your teeth and gums healthy.
