3 Ways To Protect The Beauty Of Your New Porcelain Veneers

You have invested in your smile and opted to have porcelain veneers added to your teeth. You are astounded with the flashy results and hope this gorgeous smile lasts you a lifetime. Even though the modern materials used to create and bond porcelain veneers to your teeth are pretty resilient, these materials can still be damaged if you are not careful. If you want to make your porcelain veneers last you as long as possible, there are a few things you should keep in mind about protecting them.

Committing To Invisalign? Little-Known Facts That Will Help You Prepare For Treatment

If your malocclusions aren’t too severe, you may be a great candidate for Invisalign trays. Invisalign trays are incredibly popular because they are inconspicuous, and you can remove them to eat and brush your teeth. While you may understand the basics of treatment, here are a few little-known facts about Invisalign to keep in mind so you can better prepare yourself. There Will Be Some Soreness While many patients know that their teeth are going to shift with orthodontic work, they may not be prepared for the initial soreness.

Tooth Whitening and Tooth Enamel Damage

If you want teeth that are pearly white, then you may consider speaking with your cosmetic dentist about teeth whitening treatments. These treatments have been offered for decades, and many people invest in them for aesthetic reasons. If you want to go through the whitening process, you may wonder whether or not the treatment is truly safe. The treatment can soften the tooth enamel, so this is one thing to be concerned about.

Top Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry Services

If you only visit a general dentist for services, you might want to know the reasons people visit cosmetic dentists. Cosmetic dentists typically offer services that are different than those offered by general dentists, and most of the services are geared towards improving the looks of a person’s teeth. Cosmetic dentistry offers a lot of benefits to people, and here are some of the top ones you should know about.

It's Just A Little Crack: 4 Reasons You Need To Have A Cracked Tooth Fixed Right Away

If you’ve got a hairline crack in one of your teeth, it’s time to get to the cosmetic dentist. With proper treatment, your dentist can repair the damage and prevent further problems. You may think that you don’t need a cosmetic dentist right now, especially if the crack isn’t visible to others. However, just because others can’t see the crack doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have it repaired right away. Here are four important reasons why you shouldn’t wait to visit a cosmetic dentist office about the hairline crack in your tooth.

3 Tips For Managing Anxiety During Dentist Visits

Do you hate going to the dentist? Does the mere thought of getting a dental exam fill you with dread? If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. Many people can’t stand the thought of going to the dentist, sometimes even having a real phobia of having any dental work performed, even just a basic exam. But although you may be under the impression that there is nothing you can do about your feelings, this isn’t necessarily true.

The 411 On Crossbites

Cavities and decay, gum disease, and stains are usually priorities when it comes to your child’s oral health. However, ensuring their bite is aligned and properly developed should also be of importance. Overbites are the most common issues that affect children’s bites, but crossbites are problems that affect an estimated 1 to 16 percent of children before their permanent teeth erupt. While common, most people are not familiar with this type of malocclusion.

How To Spot Dental Issues In A Young Child

Younger children can’t always articulate well enough to let you know what is bothering them. Even young preschool age children that are fully verbal may have trouble letting you know that it is a tooth causing their distress, in part because dental pain is sometimes hard to pinpoint. The following guide can help you spot the signs of dental issues in your young child so you can promptly seek care from a pediatric dental clinic.

Dental Extractions While Breastfeeding – Is It Safe?

Pregnancy can really put a woman’s body through the wringer. Not only does it change the appearance of your body, but it can also cause problems with your teeth. Due to the changing hormones and the baby taking in some of the mother’s nutrients, what were healthy teeth and gums can begin to show signs of decay. If your pregnancy has caused a tooth or two to decay beyond being saved, you’ve probably been worrying about how long you’ll have to wait to get the teeth pulled.

How Losing One Tooth Can Become A Chain Reaction

Having a tooth pulled or even having one fall out can be quite upsetting. Unfortunately, the problems don’t stop there. If you’ve lost a tooth and haven’t had it replaced, you could be triggering a chain reaction that ultimately causes even more teeth to be lost. Read on to discover how a single lost tooth can cause the losses of multiple teeth and what you can do to stop it.

Post-Nasal Drip And Foul Breath: How Your Dentist Knows That Your Oral Hygiene Is Fine

You brush and floss like crazy. In fact, you probably brush and floss more than anyone you know. While that is great, what is not so great is your constant bad breath. How on Earth could you have the breath of a garbage disposal unit with how often you brush and floss? Does your dentist know how hard you work at oral health? Does he/she know why your awful breath odor persists?

3 Tips For Improving Your Dental Routine

If you brush your teeth twice a day but still end up with cavities and dental issues when you go to the dentist, you need to change up and improve your dental routine. Use Your Brush Correctly When you brush your teeth, you should hold your brush at a forty-five-degree angle to your teeth. For the sides and tops of your teeth, you should make quick back and forth strokes. For the back of your teeth, you should turn your brush vertically and use lots of short strokes to get rid of the plaque on the back of your teeth.

Tips To Help Teen Adjust To Having Braces At School

Orthodontic treatment may involve a variety of options including a palatal expander and braces, which will require a period of adjustment no matter the age of the patient. If your teenager has recently started wearing braces, they may worry about going to school with this orthodontic treatment affecting their smile. Considering the cost of treatment can be as high as $7,000 for some patients, you will want your teen to take good care of their braces even when they are at school.