What To Do About A Toothache

Your teeth are a small part of your body, but a toothache can cause a disproportionate amount of pain. A sore tooth can distract you from the rest of your life. Here are a few helpful tips that will help you deal with your next toothache.

1. Use a topical ointment.

Topical analgesics are great for eliminating pain at the source. You can find many ointments formulated to relieve oral pain at your local drugstore. Many oral pain relieving gels are made from lidocaine, a type of topical anesthetic. Some ointments also incorporate clove oil or clove extract, which can numb tooth pain. Ask your dentist or pharmacist to recommend the topical ointment that they think is the most effective.

2. Avoid foods that cause pain.

Some toothaches don't hurt constantly;they may only hurt when aggravated by certain foods. Cold beverages and ice cream are a common culprit when it comes to exacerbating tooth pain. Until you can see a dentist, stick to lukewarm beverages. If you have a tooth infection that needs to be treated with a root canal, hot beverages may also cause you pain. If possible, try to chew on the side of your mouth that doesn't hurt.

3. Brush and floss thoroughly.

Brushing and flossing your teeth is the number one preventative measure you can take to avoid cavities. Even when you already have a cavity, it's important to keep up the practice so your cavity doesn't get worse. When you have a toothache, oral hygiene is still important. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and clean your teeth in gentle motions. This will allow you to loosen plaque and food debris without causing further pain to the area.

4. Visit your dentist.

Toothaches don't typically go away on their own. That's because. unlike other parts of your body, teeth do not regenerate. In order to get rid of a cavity or infection, you'll need dental treatment. Call your dentist at the first sign of a toothache and tell them about your problem. Most dentists will be able to see you on short notice if you complain of significant pain. Some dentists will even take calls after hours when patients have a dental emergency.

A toothache is an unfortunate experience, but you can get through it with minimal pain. Just follow these tips to relieve your discomfort and protect your oral health. Prompt dental treatment is the key to relieving sore teeth.

For more information, contact a dental office.
