Here's Why Trying To Manage Your Dental Pain At Home Is A Bad Idea

If you have a toothache, sore gums, or another dental pain that's bothering you, your first impulse might be to reach for your pain relievers. Whether a topical treatment or an oral medication, these drugs can help to mask the pain you're experiencing, making it easier to get through your day the way you normally would. Unfortunately, using them and trying to put off seeing a dentist is a terrible idea. Here's why.

Pain Relievers Only Mask Symptoms

Pain relievers can't treat what's wrong with your mouth. While anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen can temporarily bring down swelling, they won't be able to reverse any damage from the swelling in your mouth, including that in your gums. If you have a gum infection, for example, you may get a few hours of relief from the pain and swelling in your gums by using one of these drugs. However, the swelling will always come back, and unfortunately, problems like these don't tend to stay stagnant for long.

Progression Is Possible

With most dental troubles, if you don't seek help, things tend to get worse before they get better. Chipped a tooth? It could turn into a full break. Gums inflamed? You could end up with advanced gum disease. Toothaches turn into cavities all the time.

While it may be tempting to think that you can just brush off the pain and you'll be able to avoid seeing a dentist, it's just not the case. The problem you have is unlikely to get better on its own, and it could get a whole lot worse.

More Time in a Dentist's Chair in the Long Run

People avoid dentist's offices for lots of reasons. Some people are nervous about seeing dentists, some think they can't afford it, and others might simply not enjoy the experience. Unfortunately, regardless of your reason for skipping going to the dentist's office, you're likely to end up spending more time there in the long run if you try to avoid it.

If the issue with your oral health worsens, it's going to be harder for your dentist to fix it. A simple crack in a tooth only needs a filling, but a full-fledged break could be a much bigger problem, for example. You could end up needing multiple visits at the dentist's office in order to fix whatever's going on in your mouth. This could also mean an increased cost.

If you haven't seen your dentist for a while and know that you have a problem, you've got to stop putting it off. Delaying treatment could put your oral health and overall health at risk, and going to the dentist doesn't have to be a negative experience. Get the help you need and deserve and make an appointment with a dentist's office right away. Reach out to a clinic such as Ramtown Dental Associates to learn more.
