When Do You Need Root Canal Therapy?

Tooth pain is one of the worst pains that anyone can experience. Whether it is mild or severe, it is still excruciating. And for some people, tooth pain can be caused by something more serious than a cavity or gum disease. This is where root canal therapy comes into play. If you are experiencing tooth pain and are wondering if you need root canal therapy, read on to explore this topic in detail.

Understanding Root Canal Therapy

First, it is essential to understand what root canal therapy is. Root canal therapy is a treatment that aims to remove the damaged or infected tissue from the root of the tooth. This procedure is also referred to as endodontic therapy. A root canal treatment can save your tooth and prevent the infection from spreading and causing further damage.

Signs That You Need Root Canal Therapy

You may need root canal therapy if you experience any of the following symptoms: prolonged sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures, severe toothache, swelling around the tooth, discoloration, and tenderness when touching the tooth or gums. These are all signs that there might be an infection or nerve damage inside your tooth, causing pain and discomfort.

The Procedure of Root Canal Therapy

While the concept of root canal therapy may seem daunting, the procedure is straightforward. Your dentist will start by numbing the tooth and the surrounding area. They will then remove the infected or damaged tissue from the tooth's root canal, clean and shape the canal, and then fill it with a filling material called gutta-percha. A temporary filling will be placed on the tooth to protect it. A follow-up appointment will be scheduled to place a permanent crown on the tooth.

Benefits of Root Canal Therapy

The primary benefit of root canal therapy is saving your natural tooth. Your natural tooth is the best option for biting, chewing, and maintaining your jawbone's health. Additionally, root canal therapy helps alleviate the tooth pain and discomfort caused by the infection or nerve damage. Most patients can resume their normal activities within a day or two of the procedure.

Root canal therapy is a significant treatment option to consider when experiencing severe pain or discomfort in your tooth. Do not hesitate to speak with your dentist if you suspect that you may need root canal therapy. Remember to maintain good oral hygiene habits to prevent infections, cavities, and other types of dental problems. For more information about root canal treatments, reach out to a local clinic.
