What Should Parents Know About Kids And Braces?

Orthodontic treatment can help kids who suffer from overcrowded teeth, crooked teeth, or jaw misalignment. When you're considering braces for your child, you may have many questions, such as the best time for braces and how much they will cost. Learning more about orthodontic treatment for kids can help parents make the best decisions for their families. These are some things parents should know about kids and braces.

1. Kids should get braces before they have finished puberty

Puberty is a time of many physical changes. As kids develop, their bones will become less malleable as they settle into their final positions. Malleable bones are easier to shift via orthodontic treatment, which is why it's ideal for kids to get braces before they finish puberty. However, most orthodontists prefer to wait until all of a child's permanent teeth have emerged before starting orthodontic treatment. Your kid's orthodontist can help you determine the best time to begin treatment.

2. Most kids will not need headgear

When some people think of braces, they think of mouths full of metal and big, bulky headgear. However, many kids will not need to wear headgear. Orthodontic headgear is used to move growing jawbones into new positions in ways that aren't possible with braces and dental rubber bands alone. If your child does need headgear, you can rest assured that many modern pieces of headgear are small and unobtrusive. Additionally, it's unlikely that your child will have to wear headgear for the entire duration of their orthodontic treatment.

3. Parents can help ensure orthodontic success by encouraging patient compliance

Braces are ideal for kids when compared to other orthodontic treatments, such as Invisalign because they are less dependent on patient compliance. Braces are applied and adjusted by orthodontists at regular intervals to achieve the desired results. However, proper care for braces is still essential for avoiding cavities. Additionally, kids may need to wear dental rubber bands, which are applied to braces brackets at home. Parents can help their kids by reminding them to follow their orthodontist's instructions.

4. There are ways to make braces more affordable

Some parents worry about the cost of braces. According to Fatherly, braces typically cost approximately $6,000. Additionally, parents will need to pay for orthodontic appointments for braces adjustments and troubleshooting. You can make braces more affordable by agreeing to a payment plan with your child's orthodontist. Some parents also choose to take advantage of discounted orthodontic services offered by dental training institutes and other low-cost clinics.
