Risks Of Leaving A Food Trap Untreated In Your Mouth

A food trap is a term that refers to a place in your mouth, in between two teeth, where food always gets trapped. This trap can be annoying, because you might have to floss after each meal, and it can also be painful if you have to floss too often. In addition, failing to get this fixed can lead to the following risks.

Sore gums

The first problem you are likely to incur is sore gums. If you are constantly feeling food trapped between two teeth and use dental floss to remove it, your gums in this area are likely to become very sore and sensitive. There is really no way to prevent this from happening if you leave the food trap untreated; but, it's important to realize that the problems will not stop there.


If your gums become too sore from flossing, or if you don't realize there is food trapped in this area, you will be putting yourself at a higher risk for developing a cavity in this area. Food that is left in the mouth can lead to plaque, and plaque left in the mouth can lead to cavities.

Gum disease

Cavities destroy teeth and can cause problems to gums. If you continue to live with the food trap for long enough, you could end up developing gum disease. This occurs when gums become inflamed and irritated. Once this happens, bacteria can begin creeping into the gums causing an infection. The gums may also begin to recede at this point, and all of this can lead to a loss of bone mass in your jaw. Dentists call this gum disease, and gum disease is not easy to treat when it has progressed this far.

What you can do

If you have a food trap in your mouth, visit a dentist. The dentist will examine the area to see why this is occurring between your teeth. It is often a result of poorly fitted crowns, drifting teeth, or broken teeth. Once the dentist finds the cause of the problem, he or she will offer a remedy.

A common method for fixing a food trap is using composite bonding to fill in the gap so it is smaller, but there are other treatment options too.

Getting this problem fixed is important if you want to protect your mouth and teeth. To learn more, contact a dentist today to schedule a visit. Contact a business such as Willowdaile Family Dentistry for more information. 
