6 Tips For Keeping Your Dental Implants Healthy

If you have had dental implant surgery, you likely spent a good amount of money to have the work done. For this reason, it's even more important to take care of your smile. This way, you don't have to worry about paying these same out of pocket expenses again in the future. Here are six tips to help your dental implants recover in a healthy way:

  1. Avoid Unnecessary Pressure: During the time that you are actually healing from your dental implant surgery, you need to avoid putting pressure on your implants. This helps you avoid the possibility of infection, as well as inflammation, in order to improve healing. This also means you need to avoid eating foods that are difficult to chew, such as steak. 
  2. Inspect the Area: You should regularly be inspecting the area of the dental implants to be sure that they are healing properly. Once they do heal, you should continue checking the area for potential problems. If you notice anything unusual, make an appointment with your dentist right away. This way, you avoid the possibility of the dental implant falling out prematurely. 
  3. Drink a Lot of Water: The gum tissues in your mouth will heal much more quickly if they are kept moist. Just be sure that, while you are healing from the surgery, you are drinking room temperature water because cold water can make the area sensitive and painful. 
  4. Take All Medications: Once you have had the dental implant surgery, your dentist is likely to prescribe you a number of medications to help with healing. Be sure that you take them as directed. This will help you avoid infection and reduce the amount of time it takes for your mouth to heal. 
  5. Don't Overwork Yourself:  Make sure to schedule your dental implant surgery when you can take some time off work. You should also not be exercising excessively during the healing process because that will increase inflammation and swelling, making it more difficult for the mouth to heal quickly. 
  6. Don't Drink Alcohol:  When you are recovering, it's best not to drink alcohol. This is because alcohol dries out the mouth, which increases inflammation. This also leads the gum tissues not being able to heal. When this happens, the implant is much more likely to be rejected. 

When you consider these six tips for keeping your dental implants healthy, you can be sure that you are much more likely to see the best results in the end, which ensures that you are getting the most out of the investment you have made into the surgery process. 
