How To Improve Your Smile Through Cosmetic Dentistry

If you want to improve the appearance of your smile, then one of your options is to get some cosmetic dental work done. Several of the most popular options are veneers, crowns, and bonding.

Porcelain Veneers

If your biggest concern is the appearance of your smile and the integrity of your teeth is a secondary concern, then dental veneers are a good option. That is not to say that veneers will undermine the strength of your teeth, but they will not significantly increase their resilience either.

Veneers themselves are simply thin layers of porcelain that are placed over the front of your teeth. They will make your teeth look as good as new and only cover as much of the tooth as is absolutely necessary. Neither the back nor the top of any given tooth will be covered, so veneers won't really help when it comes to chewing.

Veneers are quite easy to install and don't require much preparation at all. They also last an extremely long time, when compared to similar options.

Porcelain Crowns

Another option is to go for a porcelain crown. Crowns are installed on individual teeth, which means that they are better situations where you only have one or two teeth in need of aesthetic improvement. Crowns are also great for cases where you want to improve the integrity of a tooth or situations where you need to get part of a tooth removed as part of a larger surgery, such as a root canal.

If you do end up choosing to get a crown purely for aesthetic reasons, then you will likely need to get a tooth sculpted to make room for the crown. While crowns do have the highest longevity of these options, they also take the longest to install and will require at least two separate visits to your dentist.


Finally, you might consider dental bonding, which is a process where a tooth-colored solution is applied to your teeth. This is then manipulated to remove any gaps or imperfections in your teeth. Once the solution has hardened, it will feel just like your regular teeth.

This process is quick and easy but it won't last for very long. It also won't be nearly as durable as a porcelain solution. If you want to maintain your appearance after having bonding applied, you will need to get some more applied in a few years. For more information, contact dentists like Patrick M Pitts.
