The Dental Dangers Of Thumb Sucking And How You Can Convince Your Child To Stop

While it's normal for many babies to suck their thumb, you do want to make sure your child stops before it begins to cause damage to their teeth. This article will explain the potential damage thumb sucking can cause, and give you some helpful advice on how you can help your child to stop sucking their thumb before it becomes problematic.

How does thumb sucking affect the development of the teeth?

Thumb sucking that continues past toddlerhood can change the structure of your child's mouth and cause their teeth to grow out in the wrong position. Many times, the problem will self-correct over time once your child stops sucking their thumb. However, some cases require the assistance of a dentist to correct the positioning of the child's teeth.

How to get your child to stop sucking their thumb

Thumb sucking can be a hard habit to break for a child who does it often. Luckily, there are many things you can do to help them move past it.  

Find another form of comfort for your child – A small child will usually resort to sucking their thumb when they are feeling anxious or are in need of comfort.  Try finding a blanket or stuffed animal they can cling to during these times. If you find a good replacement for their thumb, it may be an easy transition.

Keep your child's hands busy – Any time you see your child sucking their thumb, give them something else to do that requires the use of both hands. You can ask them for their help folding clothes, give them a toy they need both hands to play or play a game of patty cake with them. If you do this every time you see them with their thumb in their mouth, it will help get them past it.

Praise your child – Any time you see your child catch themselves removing their thumb from their mouth, you want to praise them for taking it out. Tell them you are proud of them for catching themselves. Even if they didn't remove their thumb for this reason, this positive reinforcement will help them become more conscious of when they are doing it and help them stop.

These tips should help you get your child to quit sucking their thumb. If you have any concerns about their teeth, or feel you need further advice, you should get your child in for a dental appointment at a dental office like Kids First Pediatric Dentistry.
