5 Tips For Soothing A Toothache

Toothaches are the worst. Whether they are due to a cavity or cracked tooth, toothaches can definitely keep you up at night. If you can't see a dentist right away, you should try to relieve the pain at home. Here are five tips for soothing a toothache. 

Gargle With Salt Water

One of the oldest tricks to ease a toothache is to gargle salt water in your mouth. It does a good job at cleaning out your mouth and reducing some of the swelling. Just put a teaspoon of salt water in a warm cup of water and swish the solution in your mouth for about 30 seconds. Repeat three or four time a day.

Use an Ice Pack

Another simple way to soothe a sore tooth is to use an ice pack. Just apply an ice pack to your cheek area and let it sit there for about 15 minutes. The ice will temporarily numb the nerves in your teeth, helping relieve the pain. You can ice the area as often as you need.

Try Clove Oil

Clove oil contains anesthetic properties, which can get rid of bacteria and relieve pain. Just apply a couple of drops of clove oil to a cotton ball and apply it directly to the sore tooth. Clove oil can be toxic, so be careful not to swallow it. 

Apply Tea Bags

If you have a toothache, try applying a tea bag to the affected area. Tea contains tannins, which will help take down a lot of the swelling. After you wet the tea bag with warm water, apply it directly on the sore tooth and hold it in place for a few minutes.

Chew on Garlic

Garlic does not just provide great flavor; it can also provide relief from a sore tooth. It is filled with antibiotic properties that can help soothe pain. Just chew on one or two cloves of garlic for a couple of minutes. Your tooth should start to feel a lot better soon.

If you follow these helpful tips, you should find some relief from your toothache. However, remember that these solutions are only temporary. It is very important to see your dentist as soon as possible about your sore tooth. Your dentist can look at the tooth and determine why it is hurting. If you wait too long to see the dentist, the pain will only get worse. For more information, contact Hernandez Dental or a similar location.
