How Can You Make Your Dentures White Again?

After using dentures for some time, wearers may be confronted with a universal question: How can you get my dentures white again? If you are asking this yourself, you are not alone. The answer best provided for that question is that dentures can never be whiter than their original shade. With this being said, what you can only do is to maintain the dentures' whiteness or just restore them to their original brightness.

Denture Whitening 101

Cleaning your dentures properly is the most effective and easiest way to keep your dentures from degrading from their original luster and health. When cleaning, it is recommended that you use a specialized toothbrush and toothpaste. This will ensure that you clean the dentures properly unlike when using regular toothbrushes and toothpastes which may corrode and spoil the dentures.

Also, you can use household cleaning items like baking soda and dish-washing soaps. Do not however, use bleaches and scouring powder as they can be abrasive and damage the dentures. Also, remember to rinse your dentures thoroughly before putting them back into your mouth.

How to Clean Your Dentures

After knowing what items and products to use when cleaning dentures, you should take the time to know how they are used. Sometimes, there will be circumstances where the prescribed and recommended products for your dentures may not be available. Take for example the specialized toothbrushes. As a substitute, you can use a normal toothbrush but make sure that it has soft, rounded bristles. The most important thing is to make sure that you use them carefully but also thoroughly. Plaque and bacteria will surely build up on the dentures just like in the natural teeth.

Soak your dentures in a glass of water every night before you sleep. A little tip that you can use is to put your dentures in half water and half vinegar solution. This will help to loosen tartar that may be stuck on the dentures and also help to reduce surface stains. Denture products that are specially manufactured for soaking are also available, so you can opt to use them if they will work best for you. Never let your dentures dry out also as it will affect the fit because of the shrinkage.

It is best to consult your denturist when you have done all these simple steps but still find that your dentures are losing their luster and brightness. Your denturist will surely have other great options for you. One action the denturist can do is to polish your dentures for you. But the polishing will only return the dentures to their original shade.

If you are looking for a brighter or lighter one, you might as well replace the set of teeth on your dentures for lighter and brighter. This is the best but most costly solution that you can do to cleanse and whiten the dentures as you would want them to be. Always remember to clean your dentures regularly and visit your denturists for tune-ups. For more tips, talk to resources such as Quality Dental Care.
